Natural Herbs

The company aims to make a 100% natural product at all stages of the production process with no preservatives or other industrial processing ingredients. All our products follow the modern nutritional trends being high in nutritional value and are certified in accordance with national and international regulations.

Oregano comes from the word "oreganon", i.e. the Greek "oros" meaning mountain and "ganos" which means bright, so oregano means bright mountain. Oregano has been known since ancient times and symbolizes joy and happiness. This is a low shrub that grows almost everywhere in Greece. It is considered to have antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory action, while helping in disorders of the respiratory and digestive systems. It can be used either in cooking, giving flavor and aroma to meat, fish, pasta, sauces, and many other foods or even as a herbal beverage.

Thyme or “thymos” comes from the ancient Greek “thyo”, i.e. sacrifice, due to the presence of thyme in the burning of incense on the altars. It is a small shrub with upright shoots, extremely durable and has a very pleasant aroma. It is well known for its antiseptic and antibacterial action and makes it useful in chronic, fungal infections and lung infections such as bronchitis and pleurisy. Its taste is strong. It is used as a spice in many cuisines to flavor various foods such as fish or meat, various sauces, soups, pasta, and rice.

The scientific term of sage is “Salvia” and comes from the Latin verb "salvere" which means "heal". Sage is a perennial, shrubby plant and is found in all areas of Greece, mainly in dry and stony places. It is consumed as an herbal beverage for its medicinal properties, but in some cases, it has side effects. Sage is commonly used for indigestion, stomach problems, inflammation of the mouth and throat, coughing and excessive sweating. It is used as a garnish in soups, the leaves in tomato sauce, as a spice in grilled vegetables and dried meat. It is used as a natural pesticide and is added as a preservative in many food products.

Rosemary is an aromatic and evergreen shrub. The Latin name of the plant is “Rosmarinus” and it means coolness of the sea and it is composed of the words “ros” (coolness) and “marinus” (marine), because it was considered that it can grow only from the humidity coming from the sea. Rosemary has antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, diuretic, and antimicrobial properties. It is used as a natural dietary supplement for headaches, migraines, indigestion, myalgias, sciatica and neuralgia. Its use is widespread in cooking where it is added to give a unique aroma and taste to meats, fish, salads and various dressings.

Fennel is an aromatic plant, with deep green leaves and fleshy root. It has a strong cool taste and smell. It originates in the Mediterranean region and the ancient Greeks called it "marathon" perhaps due to the victory against the Persians in Marathon in 490 BC. It contains fiber and is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, cobalt, and amino acids. It has antiseptic action; it contains flavonoids and is rich in antioxidants. It is used as a spice due to the characteristic flavor. It gives an exquisite taste to various foods such as meat, fish, soups, and raw salads. Combined easily and beautifully with orange, mandarin, garlic, cumin, allspice, cinnamon and more.

Dittany is a small plant with a strong smell and taste, its leaves are relatively small but plump, and are covered with fluff. The name comes from the mountain “Dikti” in Crete. Dittany is used as an herbal beverage for its therapeutic, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Traditionally, it is considered effective for those with stomach disorders. Dittany has relief action from headaches, neuralgia and is used in the treatment of hepatic diseases. It acts antispasmodically and contributes to the prevention and treatment of circulatory and cardiac problems. It is also used to heal wounds as well as against flu and colds.

Chamomile is a well-known herb with pteroid leaves and very small flowers. It has a smooth stem and is multi-branched. Its name comes from its low size and the aroma that resembles that of an apple. Chamomile can be used alone as an herbal beverage or as an aid to treat a wide range of health conditions. Its main ingredients give strong anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and soothing action. Some of them include boosting the immune system, relaxing the nerves, against insomnia and stress as well as against indigestion and fever.

Basil is one of the most popular and beloved aromatic plants used in Mediterranean cuisine. The word basil comes from the Greek word "king". Basil has been known since antiquity for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties as well as its anti-inflammatory action. Basil herbal beverage enhances memory, soothes headaches and is an excellent digestive. Dried leaves are mainly used in cooking and it gives flavor to various grilled meats, salads, boiled, stew, pasta, soups, etc. while it goes well with sauces based on fresh tomatoes.

Mountain tea
Mountain tea is an herbaceous plant, with thin and round branches and fluffy leaves. It is known to be given its name from the Greek word ‘iron’ due to the healing action of the plant against wounds caused by iron weapons. It thrives mainly in mountainous and stony areas and emits a wonderful aromatic scent. Research shows that it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. It is preferred for its beneficial effects on colds and inflammations of the respiratory system, as well as for the fight against gastrointestinal disorders, while it is considered analgesic and healing. It is delicious and aromatic, and you can consume it as a drink, cold or hot, with honey or plain.

Mint comes from the Latin word “mentha” and means mint. According to Ancient Greek Mythology, “Minthi” was a Nymph that Hades wanted to make his mistress. Persephone was jealous, chased and trampled on her. Hades took pity on her and transformed her into a mint. It emits a unique aroma and has a sweet soft taste and cool aftertaste. It is known to have antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic action and can help relieve pain. Helps with indigestion and bloating. Mint has a place in cooking as it is used in soups, sauces, and meat dishes. You can use it and give extra flavor into a dish or drink, without burdening it with more calories, sugar, or salt.

Spearmint is a perennial plant with spear-like leaves, in bright green color. Known since antiquity as a hospitality herb that symbolically conveys wisdom. It has a nice and pleasant aroma. It is considered an anxiolytic and has a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is believed to help digest, fight headaches and respiratory infections as well as to protect teeth and gums. It can also be used in cooking in many ways as an aromatic or flavor enhancer in meats, fish, sauces, pies, salads and various other foods as well as an herbal beverage.

Lemon Verbena
The plant has long light green leaves and purple, white or green flowers with a characteristic intense aroma of lemon. The Lemon Verbena was called "herba sacra" (sacred herb) by the Romans and "sacred plant" by the ancient Greeks who used it to wipe the altars of temples. In fact, an Egyptian legend has it that the plant sprouted when the goddess Isis wept to mourn the death of the god Osiris. The Lemon Verbena is famous for its great anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anxiolytic properties as well as for indigestion, constipation, toning of the body. The Lemon Verbena leaves are used to add lemon flavor to fish, meat, vegetables, marinades, sauces, jams, puddings, yogurt, and beverages. It is also used as herbal beverage or added to tea to give a lemon flavor.